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Current study: Spiritual Warfare

28 March 2012

Blog Extra!

As you read through the Bible, I know you see God's hand at work as He protects His people, keeps His covenant promises, and even punishing them when they've disobeyed.

Jesus came to the earth to be the perfect, obedient Servant, willingly dying for your sin (and for mine). We celebrate His death and resurrection during Holy Week which culminates on Easter Sunday.

If you haven't been to church in a while, why not come and show the Savior that you're thankful for His sacrifice? And when you're making your plans, be sure to ask your friends to come. For some, Easter and Christmas are the only time they set foot in the church building. It's also the only time they can hear the Good News of salvation.

We look forward to seeing you at church on Palm Sunday and Easter!

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