Luke 14-15
Mark 10:1-31
Jesus gives us more practical application as we strive to
live more like Him.
Jesus’ disciples were humans just like us, and they argued
about who would be first in God’s kingdom. Jesus rebuked them and gave them an
answer, and today he uses the parable of the wedding feast to do so. He reminds
us that it’s better to consider yourself lowly and be raised by the host than
to consider yourself important and be publicly rebuked. It’s still that way
today. Church members fight over who has the “right” to sit somewhere, or to do
something, or to sing or play or teach. It’s human nature to want to be
considered important. Jesus reminds us that the ones who are truly
important and the ones considered lowly. It’s the consistent worker bees that
will be lifted up in God’s kingdom.
When we think of Jesus’ words, it’s sometimes hard to
understand. We don’t know why we can’t be “important” in the world’s eyes. But think
of a Broadway play. There are a couple stars, some co-stars, a chorus and an
orchestra. You see all those people doing their jobs as they create a few
moments of happiness for you.
But …
For any of those people to be able to perform for
you, they need the talented and unsung backstage people: seamstresses and
fitters, dressers and prop maters, lighting technicians, sound technicians,
people to move the sets around, people to take your tickets and change light
bulbs and clean the theater and help you find your seat …
Who is truly the greatest on that stage, the star with the
phenomenal voice or the sound technician who makes sure you can hear her?
And Jesus talked about giving alms and doing things for
others with the parable of the great feast. He pointed out that offering dinner
to a friend or family member was not charity because there is an expectation of
repayment. Instead, He said, give to those who are less fortunate. He practiced
what He preached! Instead of eating with the rulers of His day, He chose to eat
with the sinners and tax collectors – those whose only way of reciprocation was
to believe. This annoyed the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes. Honestly, Jesus existence annoyed them!
They tried to trip Him up by asking a controversial question
regarding divorce. In Israel there were two factions, led by Rabbis Shammai and
Hillel. The followers of Hillel permitted divorce for any reason; the
Shammaites said that a man could only divorce his wife because of sexual
immorality. “What do you say?”, they asked Jesus. They were hoping that His
answer would divide the listeners. Instead, Jesus showed them their hypocrisy
and brought His answer to them through Scripture.
Were some Jews using their position as “chosen people” to
flaunt God’s law? Possibly. Like the Jews, we can’t expect to sin and get away
with it, even though we are “under grace”. But Jesus took it further. He wasn’t
so interested in the physical aspect as He was of the underlying reason for the
adultery – the heart of the matter. He reminded them that looking at a woman with the intention of satisfying sexual
desires was as much of a sin as the adultery.
Through His answer, Jesus reminded them that Moses gave only
one commandment: the divorced wife could not return to her husband. This was a
protection to the wife. A husband couldn’t become angry about some mistake she
made, divorce her for it, and later bring her back into his household. Moses
did not require divorce; he gave permission
in only one circumstance.
Bottom line: Jesus affirmed that there is only one reason
for divorce, and that is sexual immorality.
God made marriage between a man and a woman:
A divinely appointed union established by God
Himself. No human court can change
what God has established, even though they
are trying.
A physical union where the man and woman become one flesh.
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and
shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Gen 2:24 (KJV)
* A permanent union. Since the two become one,
tearing apart the union tears apart the people.
A union between one man and one woman. ‘Nuff
Jesus also speaks of the difficulty of following Him. The
Rich Young Ruler had it all, and he came to Jesus ready to be saved. After he
talked to Jesus, his ardor was cooled and he went away without salvation. Why?
Jesus showed this man that he was already serving a god –
the god of money. Jesus didn’t want him (or us) to become destitute to follow
Him. He was pointing out that in this man’s case, the love of money was so
firmly entrenched that he would find it impossible to serve Jesus.
As I read this passage I thought about all the “gods” that I
have in my life. I am fervently praying that Jesus will help me remove them so
that I can follow Him more wholeheartedly. This was a very convicting parable
for me – how about you?
And speaking of prayer … I close with the story of the
persistent widow. When you pray, do you petition God once and then wonder why
He isn’t doing something for you? Take heart! All you need to do is pray
persistently! If we can beat down an unrighteous man with our persistent
petitions, how much more will God give to a Christian who persistently prays?
But what does it mean to always pray?
without ceasing. 1 Thess 5:17 (KJV)
It does not mean to repeat words for the sake of repeating
them (Matthew 6:5-15). It doesn’t mean “centering” prayer (which is based on
eastern religions and is not Christian).
It means to make prayer as natural as breathing.
“Prayer is much more than the words of our lips; it is the
desires of our hearts and our hearts are constantly desiring before Him, even
if we never speak a word. So, to “pray without ceasing” means to have such holy
desires in our hearts, in the will of God, that we are constantly in loving
communion with the Father, petitioning Him for His blessing.” – Warren Wiersbe
I’ll talk with you tomorrow for the wrap up of our week. I
realize that I skipped a lot of text in the past few days, and if there is a
portion I skipped that resonated with you, please email me or leave a comment. I
always want to know what God is showing you! It’s all about us learning
May your day be blessed.
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